All pilots flying around Darwin should read this

All pilots flying around Darwin should read this

I stumbled upon this yesterday and after reading it felt I had to share it with our piloting community around Darwin who might not make a habit of trawling through the CASA website. This little guide to flying around Darwin is factual, easy to read and has diagrams, maps, airstrips, sample radio calls, and potential danger areas (apart from the formal restricted and danger areas).

Click to access stay-ontrack-flying-the-darwin-region.pdf

With the increase in not only military activity from traditional exercises but an uptick in additional joint exercises with friendly nations we need to be attentive to our NOTAMS especially covering the restricted and danger areas around Darwin and down to wards Katherine. Additionally, for me personally, I have seen an increase in helicopter activity as bushfire work, Careflight, Helifish, Darwin Cup and other activities or events are relying on this versatile aircraft.

The other day out at Dundee I think I saw five helicopters parked up at the lodge which looked fantastic. Good to see tourism on the increase after COVID.

Back on topic – for those of us who are recreational “ultralight” pilots – and even the infrequent GA pilot or newcomer to Darwin – this quick read is highly recommended and it is great to see EmKayTee (MKT Airfield) feature in the document. Check it out from the links above.

Safe Flying.


One Response

  1. Andre Snoxall says:

    Cheers Mark

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