Clouds, Bumps and Billabongs

Torn between watching the Boxing Day cricket test and going for a flight, I decided to go for a flight. Not before I saw Konstas make an impressive debut at the MCG. Because the cricket is on and I don’t want to cut into your prime cricket watching time, I have compressed this video into a much shorter version – just over 4 minutes. You should be able to watch the entire video in no less than eight advertisements. And on 7 plus or wherever you’re watching the cricket, it won’t take long to get through the entire video. And yes I know I should do this for all of the videos. For those of you who think that watching cricket is like watching grass grow well this video is much more fun to watch.
I understand that people don’t get the same level of enjoyment flying slowly over the countryside. So in this video I have used what’s called speed ramping to speed up the more uninteresting segments of what was originally a 30 minute flight down to 4 minutes including the takeoff from Mkt Airstrip and landing at Delissaville. There were a couple of Jabiru birds in a billabong which transforms each year in accordance with the seasons and amount of water.
I used the Gopro 13 with the ultra wide lens attachment which takes it out to 177 degrees of view and because of the reframing not all of me is in the picture which is not important but showing the context of the nose and the controls is probably more important and that stayed in the video from start to finish.
- 00:00 Take off from MKT
- 00:49 Scudding Clouds
- 02:07 Turning in circles
- 02:33 Reaching the Billabong
- 02:44 Can you see the Jabirus (2 of them)
- 02:53 In case you missed them
- 03:01 Through the humps
- 03:36 Mica Beach
- 04:03 Belyuen
- 04:12 Landing at Delissaville
There is a longer flight of an hour that I am editing using the multicam features of Premiere Pro and discovering the automatic proxy video creation on the Gopro has changed my life!!! The tech side of things are covered over on my Learnshifting blog