Aerial photos of Zuccoli

It is fitting that I am taking photographs of this suburb from the air as Zuccoli is named after a famous Territorian and aviator. Guido Zuccoli, known as a famous aerobatic and warbird pilot along with his engineering skills. He made the Territory his home in the late 60’s.
Here are some photographs of this rapidly expanding suburb, demonstrating the growth that continues in the Top End of Australia. It was a very smoky day with a number of local bushfires. Luckily the dehaze feature helped for the foreground although you can see the horizon has considerable smoke haze.
It is hard to believe that this suburb began life in April 2007 and now has two schools, an early learning centre, shopping centre and more.
Of course click the photos for a larger version. Can you spot your house? Photos taken by me, The Pilotographer, late June 2023. Prints on canvas or other media formats available through selected third party suppliers.

I’ve included a snapshot from the Australian Bureau of Statistics which you can view online here. It is from the 2021 census. There have been over 1000 new dwellings added since the 2016 census. That is massive.