Category: Photography

Ultralight Flight – Bynoe Harbour – Crabclaw to Dundee via Indian and Bare Sand Island

Okay, this is my longest (recorded) and slowest flight yet… At one point off the Eastern end of Indian Island I tracked further east to get a photograph of the entire island’s length, my ground speed was about 15kts. As I turned west to track up the island, suddenly my ground speed was 90 knots.…
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Ultralight flight to Adelaide River and Fogg Dam

While I Google and try to find out how to use my multimeter to detect a short circuit in my drifter (finding information using CoPilot was quick, but finding the actual short circuit will take longer), I decided to take some time out and share a video of a flight that I took a little…
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Flying over the million-dollar fish

Well that’s the million-dollar question. On the weekends when I’m flying my ultralight over the blue waters around Darwin I looked down and see the many fishing vessels dangling a line or maybe dropping a crab pot into the waters hoping at worst a snare meal for the evening and then further up the scale…
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Adelaide River Crocodiles and Barramundi, via Humpty Doo by ultralight aircraft

Greetings! Today I want to share with you my amazing experience of flying over some of the most stunning and unique landscapes in the Northern Territory. Even though I have flown this lap before, each flight offers a different visual spectacle along with the chance to witness something new or seldom seen. I took a…
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Turquoise Blue Waters from 600ft

In the dry season, the waters surrounding Darwin turn into a turquoise blue. Although the horizon is hazy with the smoke from bushfires of this time of year, the waters change from an impenetrable jade green into a clear turquoise blue which allows me to see all manner of fish swimming below the surface. During…
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Aerial photos of Zuccoli

It is fitting that I am taking photographs of this suburb from the air as Zuccoli is named after a famous Territorian and aviator. Guido Zuccoli, known as a famous aerobatic and warbird pilot along with his engineering skills. He made the Territory his home in the late 60’s. Here are some photographs of this…
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Top 10 Aircraft at MKT – 2 – Harvard

It was pointed out to me correctly after my last article about the “Top Ten…” that I was using clickbait style titles by using “Top Ten…” and then only showing one aircraft. Although unintentional, it appears to have worked. I now want to avoid a ranking war as these aircraft will appear in whatever order…
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Top End Flying Club in the news archives

I have included the full pages where possible and you can click on each image to view the stories from days gone by. Even though this is the same article below, I wanted to include the front page as it is so typically NT. And so we end this little journey down memory lane. Fly…
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Crocs at Shady Camp

I created these two 1-minute clips taken of crocodiles out at a famous fishing location in the Northern Territory near Darwin called Shady Camp. I did it to test out the zoom capability of software with the footage from a GoPro and also share images of the large numbers of crocodiles that live in our…
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