The Pilotographer Song?

Given that it is now a compliment when somebody says you have the attention span of a goldfish which suggests that you have an intention span of at least five seconds, I need to make sure that people stumbling across my flying videos have an option of viewing shorter videos. Mine are normally created for audience who appreciates “Slow TV” which probably explains why I don’t have many viewers. Here is an example of one of my “Slow TV” flights, which although slow are potentially more exciting than the 2007 one-year live streaming of a round of Westcombe Dairy cheddar cheese maturing on their shelf
While I’m not going to bring them down to 5 seconds in length, I do have one here which is just two minutes and is a quick video of me landing at MKT Airfield. Of and in itself, the landing is not unique, but what I have done this time is used Suno to create a song about that landing aspect.
One problem that I’ve been having is when I attach music from sources like Adobe Stock to my videos, even though I have the Magic Code which says that the audio clip that I’m using is licensed, I have to go through YouTube’s verification process which takes quite a long time is quite annoying and I have to do it every single time. To the point where now I’m informed that there’s a copyright issue but there’s no strike against me and I’ve given up submitting the legitimate claim to use the songs with my videos.
Pleasantly, when I scripted my own set of lyrics and got Suno to create a song for me using a rock ballad style – which I asked it to do – I then attached that song to the video, produced it, uploaded it to YouTube and guess what? No claims against me! So, guess what I will be doing now when I want to add music to my flying videos, I’m just using the free version of Suno at the moment, but it is so good that I am willing to pay for it. It uses ai to create the instrumental music based upon the musical genre that you select and actually sings the song for you providing you with everything from a video to the music in MP3 format and the lyrics. And it’s really fast. Just to be clear, it is AI doing the singing – not me although the words are mine.
So here is my little fun song about the Pilotographer landing his drifter at Mkt Airfield in the Northern Territory I hope you enjoy it. Yes, it is a little cheesy, but it does try to highlight the importance of safety in the circuit. Despite the fact you can see me checking, there were no other aircraft in the circuit or approaching. Radio calls in our CTAF were made regardless. I don’t normally handhold cameras in the circuit as a rule and recommend you don’t make it a habit.
Turning on the downwind ready to land
Been Flying in my drifter
Another great flight as the Pilotographer
Green scenery, wildlife everywhere
Cumulous clouds in the distance blue on white
Checking for other aircraft, we don’t want a fright
Making radio calls to keep them and me safe
with a final check I then turn base
Landing checks complete
Fuel pump on to be sure
Hatches and harnesses firmly secure
Then onto final for wheels down at MKT
If you are going to fly, it’s the place to be
Another great flight in the Northern Territory
Safe Flying!