Category: Photography

Top 10 Aircraft at MKT – 2 – Harvard

It was pointed out to me correctly after my last article about the “Top Ten…” that I was using clickbait style titles by using “Top Ten…” and then only showing one aircraft. Although unintentional, it appears to have worked. I now want to avoid a ranking war as these aircraft will appear in whatever order…
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Top End Flying Club in the news archives

I have included the full pages where possible and you can click on each image to view the stories from days gone by. Even though this is the same article below, I wanted to include the front page as it is so typically NT. And so we end this little journey down memory lane. Fly…
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Crocs at Shady Camp

I created these two 1-minute clips taken of crocodiles out at a famous fishing location in the Northern Territory near Darwin called Shady Camp. I did it to test out the zoom capability of software with the footage from a GoPro and also share images of the large numbers of crocodiles that live in our…
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Berry Springs Darwin NT, Speargrass and Crop Circles

Berry Springs is an idyllic hamlet located 45 minutes drive from Darwin or in my case 7 minutes by airplane from our airfield at MKT. These photos were taken over two consecutive weekends in April 2023 after the last of the wet season rains. While I am flying I photograph scenes with my Nikon DSLR…
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Back in the air

It was good to be back in Darwin. I made my way out to the MK T airfield and prepared my aircraft for its first flight in 6 months. Needless to say, I took extra time and care to make sure that everything was fine. Before I left Darwin 6 months ago, I ensured that the…
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Crocodile at Crabclaw Island

Crabclaw Island is a great place to go for breakfast. 25 nautical miles from MKT Airfield, it is the perfect Sunday brunch flying in a small aircraft like a Drifter. The trip takes half an hour and covers part of the beautiful and bountiful Bynoe Harbour. I have been using some of the motion graphic…
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Cool Gauges on your GoPro Videos

For those of you who own a GOPRO camera, you probably know about the built-in GPS capability. If you are like me though, you may have tried to transfer some of the gauge data using the GOPRO software without much success. I wasn’t sure if it was a problem with the camera or the software…
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Capturing the Supermoon – perigree, syzygy and apogee

Here is the best photo, but to check out the set including couple of the bright disc style photos, here is a link to the album.